Friday, September 11, 2009


So I just finished up some commission pieces for my good friend Judy Wiliston. She is writing a book, and I have so far done 15 spot illustrations for it. Just thought you guys might like to see a few of them.
I am also still refining my airbrush skills. So this week,
continuing with the theme from Toronto's drawings, I painted this Supergirl Image. This image pushed my airbrush rendering skills, and helped me cross over into a more traditional comic book style. I plan on doing some sample pages for my portfolio soon, in a variety of styles to make myself more marketable to the bigger companies. I already think I am doing a 1 or 2 page batmite/mxyzptlk story in a more kid friendly style. My
work is usually done at comic page scale (6x9) but I think I might do these sample pages at full linework size (11x17). Anyway,
I'm sure you guys are thinking "quit talking about it
and just do it already!" Will that be my next post? Tune in next week, Same bat-time, Same bat channel! Or whenever I get to it...:P

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Fan Expo Canada

Fan Expo Canada was last weekend, and it was a blast! Was fortunate enough to be placed between Ivan Reis who is currently working on DC's Blackest Night, and Doug Sneyd legendary Playboy cartoonist. Ivan does not speak great English, but the conversations we did have over the weekend makes me appreciate his art even more than I already did. At the end of the weekend he even gave Amber and I a drawing that he didn't get to complete at the show, and said that I should finish it. By day one of the convention Doug was influencing me...something about staring at the beautiful pinups all weekend just makes you want to draw some of your own. I did a few at the show, and they were quite fun...I am planning on doing quite a few more and perhaps doing some sort of sketchbook of them in the future. I'm only showing you 2 of the more successful ones done while I was at the table...
This convention completes my conventions for the year. In fact, I have decided that these conventions have been slowing me down from the thing I was trying to do in the first book. Thus, I have decided to stop doing conventions until Into The Dust is complete. Hopefully this wont be much of a break and I will be back to the cons in a year or so...but its time to get things done! Expect artsy updates soon here though...I will still be making art!