grade schools, middle schools, high schools, universities, clubs, and other
private groups have hired me to come in to give talks, and teach about
comics. I have traveled across the state of Michigan, and my talks have
taken me to such places as Tennessee, Ohio, and Illinois. I'm willing to
travel anywhere that there is a love of comics as literature and as art.
Public Speaking
Have a group that is yearning to learn?
I have given talks about the History of Comics, Breaking
Into Comics, and Visual Storytelling. If you have an idea
on a different lecture better suited to you specific needs (i.e. a woman's
library wanting a lecture about famous female cartoonists) I am willing
to put one together.
I have taught Kindergarten through Twelfth grade Students, working for a week to 3 weeks about Visual Storytelling and Comics
Example Lectures
Here are 2 separate lectures I did for Erickson Elementary School.
And here is Day 2
To watch a slide show lecture click here