Tuesday, August 4, 2009

What I have been doing for the past few months

Sorry for the lack of updates on the site, things were busy earlier this summer. The chaos began at Adventure Con in Tennessee in early June. The show was wonderful, and I hope to be invited back again next year. Seeing my Knoxville friends was great, and I miss them terribly. When Amber and I got back from the con, our lives began getting real hectic. On June the 27th, we got married. It was a wonderful event filled with all of our family and friends, I could go on and on for days about how great that day was, but to shorten the day up into one sentence, here we go. I am so lucky to have such a wonderful, loving wife. After the wedding, we barely had a chance to breathe, because one week later, we moved. We now live in a house on the other side of town, and we live here rent and utility free. The house is connected to a storage business, which we manage (thus no rent)
Since the move, we have been slowly unpacking, and enjoying life as newlyweds. But enough mushy life stuff, on to the art!
Wizard World Chicago starts this Thursday! For any of you who are going to be at the show, my table number is 4502, come by and say hi! I have been working on a few new pieces of artwork for the con, here are two of the masterpieces. The first, was per request from Amber, who Just loves the Twilight books and movie(s) We shall see how it fairs at Chicago, the second piece continues my series of Art about Art, and is entitled "Liberty Leading the Doctor" based on Delecroix's "La Liberté guidant le peuple" Yes, that is the cover of the Coldplay album Viva la Vita...but it was painted in 1830, so go soak up some culture! Both of these will be for sale at the convention, both prints and the originals. After Chicago is Fan Expo Canada on August 28-30, I just got my contract today, so it's official! Sorry for the lack of updates again, things are calm again now, so expect plenty of updates!