The late Motor City Post 2009

I never seem to get these post in on time...So, Motor City Comic Con was last weekend, and it was a wonderful start to the new convention season! I had not one, but three new mini-prints for the continuation of my love of my childhood, I did a Fraggle Rock triptych. Here they are in all of their glory. I still have some left, which I will bring to the next convention in Knoxville, Adventure Con. So here is a rundown of the con.
Friday: Slow. Friday's are always slow, but it seemed moreso this year...people

Saturday: Talk about busy! I have never seen a more crowded Saturday! It more than made up for Friday's lack of traffic. Amber was stuck at my folks house for our second bridal shower, so I brought Dad along to be my part time "booth babe"...personally I think Amber is sexier. Aarom stopped by briefly to say hi on the way to his table, he was leaving mid-way through the day, and he asked me to stop by if I had the chance. Sadly I did not, It was a steady stream all day. Costumes are always fun to see on Saturdays at conventions...and this was no exception. There seems to be a large ensurgence of

Sunday:Everybody was tired and it was starting to show. Traffic was slower, but no where near as slow as Friday. I had a chance to walk around a bit, which doesn't always happen at these conventions. I talked again with Mark, who said he did very well this convention, and I gave him a print for being such an inspiration for my work ethic this past year.

One last Image to discuss before I end this post. Last Summer I did a convention in Toronto called Paradise Con...Sadly it is not happening this year (but I am doing Fan Expo Canada!) Anyway, I was set up next to Brian Evinou, who is an animator based in the Toronto Area...I did a pinup for him of his character Lucy Legacy, and he said he was going to return the favor...only took him about a year, but he finally did it. I will be seeing him at Fan Expo Canada in August...can't wait!