Well, actually yes I did....look at the Mupper in all of its 67 inch long glory! Sorry folks, this one isn't for sale...I'm going to laminate it and use it as a display. This print always draws a lot of attention, hopefully it will be amplified even more when this hangs under my table!
Well, I thought I would take a moment out of my busy day at Webb to give you a quick tour....I shot a few photos, and I'm sure there will be more to come.

Image 1, the Clock tower. The center of Webb's campus, it has a lovely chime, and ties the entire campus together. It's very pretty to watch all the kids run around and under it to hurry off to class.

Image 2, my windows. These windows are my domain...my desk and area sit behind those panes of glass, at the back of the printmaking studio...I have already learned that these act like a magnifying glass and heat up my work area...today it was in the 80s...and it felt like it at my desk.

Image 3, the middle School art room...Todd Johnston's class room...he's my go to guy at Webb. Haven't really done anything over there yet, but I will soon.

Image 4, The printmaking room,, this photo is shot from my desk, the guy in the distance on the left in the doorway is Joe, he teaches 3d, painting, and art history...his 3d class is building guitars from scratch...they look pretty sweet...I can't wait until they get strung.
That's it for now, be on the lookout for lessons this coming week!