Okay enough ranting...you are probably wondering what I have been doing with myself. Well, I am working on another magic book with a friend of mine named Patrick Redford. All of the tricks are card tricks, so we decided to make the book a western. Here is the first page. I have been experimenting working at a larger scale, it gives me more freedom to add detail when I want, and I don't have as bad of hand strain working on things at such a small scale. I particularly liked doing the wallpaper pattern in the second panel. Not sure if I will work on the entire magic book at this scale, or whether I will only do them at this 11x17 scale when details permit me to.

Speaking of 11x17 scale, I also churned out a portfolio piece the other day when I had a free moment...I have this short Jonny Quest story in my head, figured I should get it down on paper...I think the story will be about 6 pages all together. So this is simply the first page. As opposed to painting I went back to Photoshop for the coloring, haven't digitally colored anything in quite a few years...feel pretty rusty at it. Into the Dust is on the drawing table as well, but the magic book has to get done first.
Dude Johnny QUEST! It looks great!
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