2010 What is to come

So I found out late last week that I got accepted to get table space at C2E2. It is bound to be a big show, since the folks who are running it also run New York Comic Con, which is currently the second largest convention in the U.S. I was originally going to take some time off from conventions to focus on finishing up Into the Dust. So now I have a deadline, I need to get the 160 page graphic novel done and printed by late April. I think I can pull it off, as long as I stay on task, and can somehow scrounge up the 5k to print/ship the damn thing.
On the drawing table currently, I am still working on Patrick Redford's magic book "Square", and I am also painting an album cover for my Doppelganger Jesse Rubenfeld (a singer in New York. His site is jesserubenfeld.com as I have the .net) I also have another commission piece entitled "10 faces" which is now the 3rd in a series of drawings I did about 3 years ago. I have to break out my camera and photograph it before I send it off. For now I will leave you with another page out of Square.
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