Saturday, January 24, 2009

January, Chugging along!

Well the past week and a half or so I have been hard at work on Into the Dust! The forth chapter will be out by the time I go to my first convention this year. As I have said previously on this site, this issue will be available for free online for anyone to read. I will have some print copies, but they will be a limited edition version with a blank cover (minus the Into the Dust logo, etc) Why would I do this you ask? Well, because anyone who orders the lovely print copy will get a hand drawn cover! Yay! Cover price will be a bit more than Chapters 1-3, but the free online edition plus the sketch cover will make up for it. Today, I finished putting together a Teaching page for the site...kinda an advertisement for anyone who would like to hire me for public lectures, teaching etc. On that page (just look to your right and click Teaching) you will also find 2 videos examples of my teaching. These videos were way too long for Youtube, so I just uploaded them to my own server!
The page you are looking at is page 20 of chapter 4 in process. So far just linework...haven't filled in many blacks, or thickened many lines. Just thought you would like to see that indeed the chapter is close to being done.
I should have a new "Thought Balloons" video soon. I'm trying to learn about the program more, and get a better green screen set up in my studio. Once all of those kinks are out, I want to try to do a "Thought Balloons" every week.
I started Substitute Teaching this week, worked at 3 separate schools so far, in 3 different school districts. It's good money, and I set my own schedule. So if I get an art commission, I don't have to work!


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