Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Still at Webb, 2 weeks down 3 to go!

So a photographer has been following me around snapping photos of me with the kids, however she has yet to send me any shots....as soon as I get them, I'll throw them all up for folks to see me in action. Sorry no new lecture yet...been giving a really short intro slideshow on my artwork, but you guys are already here, and can see all the images and read all that I would have said in it anyway, so why bother putting it up. The 7th graders and 5th graders seem to be having a lot of fun with the projects I have given them. The AP high school class got off to a rocky start, but seem to be going at a good pace now.
I have been working half of the time on Into the Dust and half on a magic book for Danish magician Rune Klan...here is a page of his book that I have done down at the school...

I posted a short video blog about my DVD addiction down here on a different site, but what the heck! It's more personal than professional, but you guys might like to see it....the sound is a little out of place, but it's not too annoying...

Oh and my brother Tyler is a radio show host every Tuesday night from 10-11 pm....his show is called Black Tuesday. I have been charged with recording his shows, and I have decided to put them up on my web server for folks who miss it....go listen!


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