Well, I know it has been a while...convention season is winding down (I am still on the waiting list for SPX, I doubt I will get a table at this point.) I was going to get a table at The Baltimore Comic Con, since it was so close to SPX...but since I doubt I will be making it to that convention, why drive so far out of my way the weekend before I leave to teach at the Webb School in Tennessee? Instead, I have decided to return to good old Colombus Ohio for the Mid-Ohio Comic Con! I just have to pool the table funds together.
I have not been Idle for the past few weeks, Into the Dust #4 is just about half way done, and I have given myself a deadline to have it done and out by the first weekend in October for Mid-Ohio. Remember, I will be releasing this issue online completely for free so the fans can keep their interest in the story until the trade comes out. When will that be?? Well, I will be working on #5 and #6 in Tennessee and I ope to be done with them at the end of the year, at that point, I will send it to the 2 publishers that were "maybe/sorta/kinda interested" in the book as a graphic novel only, if they don't bite I will solicit the book myself a.s.a.p.
I have been working slowly on another project in secret with my friend George Tait, I can't really tell you much about it, but since I like to tease, here is a peak at the cover.
In other news, I purchased a new laptop. it's an HP Tablet, and works surprisingly well. My tablet for my desktop died on me about a month ago, and since I needed a laptop for Tennessee, I decided to kill 2 birds with 1 stone and buy it.
Anyway, look for some preview pages for #4 soon!
I have not been Idle for the past few weeks, Into the Dust #4 is just about half way done, and I have given myself a deadline to have it done and out by the first weekend in October for Mid-Ohio. Remember, I will be releasing this issue online completely for free so the fans can keep their interest in the story until the trade comes out. When will that be?? Well, I will be working on #5 and #6 in Tennessee and I ope to be done with them at the end of the year, at that point, I will send it to the 2 publishers that were "maybe/sorta/kinda interested" in the book as a graphic novel only, if they don't bite I will solicit the book myself a.s.a.p.
I have been working slowly on another project in secret with my friend George Tait, I can't really tell you much about it, but since I like to tease, here is a peak at the cover.

Anyway, look for some preview pages for #4 soon!
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