Shhhh......domn't tell anybody, but lookit' these

So yeah, still hard at work. Doing some spot Illustrations for a nursing textbook written by my mother Gaie, and hard at work on the books! Found a YouTube Video of a guy trying to sell a copy of Triangle (the first Magic book I did with my colleague George) According to the Magician, the second book is done and should be in stores soon. I head to Tennessee to visit the campus the first week in September, they bought my plane tickets today. So here is the first page of Into the Dust #4 without text (you will have to wait until it's all done to actually read it. The other page you see is page 1 of How to Kill a Piano....and I still can't tell you anything about it.

I sent off my application for Commic Con International 2009 yesterday...I hope I get accepted to get a table. I'm sending off my paperwork for the Mid-Ohio Con on Monday. Dad's friends Marv and Len are going to be there...I haven't seen them in 4 or 5 years. I'm thinking about putting some of my art up on Ebay...I'll post links if I end up doing it.
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