A week later, seems to be my thing for convention posts. Paradise Con was a wonderful show, I was a little stressed out beforehand though. Amber ended up in the hospital early last week, she has a blood clotting condition and they found 2 new blood clots in her right leg, pushing her total of blood clots up to 8 I believe. So they installed a filter in her main artery near her heart. So she was out of commission for work, and I was running around frantically to get things ready. I ran out of color toner, so I wasn't able to print up a mini print for the convention. Anyway, Dad and I left Early Friday morning to go to Toronto, taking his brand new car, so we didn't get stopped by any car trouble. The border at Windsor was smooth sailing, they sent us on our merry way without any questions really, and we drove all the way there in about 6 hours total (Dad didn't want to speed, and so it took us longer than expected) We got into the city around 3pm and met up with my cousin, his wife and new baby boy. Ate some dinner at a bad, college town style, bar and then parted ways. Dad and I then went off in search of a movie theatre to go see Hellboy 2. After walking for about 2 hours (I'm guessing about 4 miles round trip) we came back to our hotel defeated, and went to bed. Saturday we drove to the convention and got up there with all my stuff, only to realize that I had a 4 foot table instead of a 6

foot table...my fault, the forms were a bit confusing. So we took half of my displays back down to the car, and figured out how to cram it all into such a small space. turned out fairly well I think (see photo) Said hello to a few friends like
Mike Boccianowski, and
Mark Sparacio...along with my usual crew (
Petersen and
Bastian) just in time for the doors to open. The convention was set up in a really nice way. It was in a hotel ( a first time for this convention), and they had rented out 2 halls in it...the hallway connecting the two halls became "artist alley" so that all convention go-ers would have to walk by to get to the other half of the dealer area. Artist Alley also continued along the walls of the dealer areas, so shoppers again could not ignore the talent. Saturday was long, but decent sales wise. I got to know
Brian Evinou, who was set up next to me...a Toronto native, who works as an animator. Really nice guy...he kept me sane all weekend. Near the end of the day Liana K of
Ed and Red's Night Party came by and interviewed me, she was dressed up as Dawn. I know that the interview wasn't for their late night canadian talk show, but perhaps for a dvd(it wasn't very clear) Sunday Liana K came back to my table first thing to buy a Mupper from me, then traffic was very verrrry slow....til about 1:30 or so, when my cousin Brett came by (put the baby down for a nap and sneeked out.) The convention traffic still was slow, but everyone who came by seemed to buy something. My sketch cards were a hit (see photo montage. I also did a Thor and a ROM, but didn't have a chance to snap a pic of them) Brian just emailed me this link to
Digital Kontent with a pic of me and Dad, a commission piece I did of Mr. Miracle, Brian, and some other great pics from the con. That's about it for convention coverage...now I have to get back to work on Into the Dust #4!
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