The Big News

So, here is the big news. For 5 weeks this October I will be teaching kids between the grades of k-12 about making comics. The Webb School, a private school in Knoxville Tennessee, has hired me to be an Artist in Residence there. They are paying for my travel expences, putting me up in a hotel, giving me a public studio to work in, paying me well, and giving me the opportunity to have an exhibition of my own artwork before I leave. I'm not sure if I will be teaching a class of my own, or just giving talks and workshops; but I will find out soon enough. They will be flying me out there in the next few weeks for a few days to check out the campus, meet the teachers, and discuss a lesson plan for when I come back.
It is my hope that I will be able to get some more of these jobs in the future. In fact I have one other potentially lined up for sometime later that fall, it is awaiting approval. I will have a page about my teachings up when I have more info, along with contact information in case you are a teacher/librarian/school/organization that would like me to come out and do this for you.
As you can see I am currently working on an Indy is in process, and this is only a small portion of the full image. but I feel that these posts should have some image to go along with them. I will post a finished version later on.
I have sent out my SPX registration form. I saw on their website the other day that they were running out of tables, so hopefully I got one of the last ones. I have decided I want to go to Paradise Con in Toronto, it runs on July 12th and 13th information about it is here. I will send off a check to them in a week or so. Wizard World and Motor City cashed my checks, so those two shows are officially on for me.
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