April News

I am sending off my forms and table money for SPX in the next few weeks; once tax season is over and done with. SPX runs from Oct. 4-5th. Info here. I am considering a few other conventions, but those are the definite ones right now.
The image at the right is the back side of my new business card that should be arriving in the mail in the next week.
Issue #3 of Into the Dust is still at the printer...their deadline is fast approaching and I have yet to hear one word out of them....i hope that is good news.
I have potential good news that I cannot speak about right now. As soon as it becomes definite good news I will announce it.
Been busy lately. I have thumbnailed chapter 4 and chapter 5 of Into the Dust. This week I hope to thumbnail chapter 6 so I know what I need to shoot photo reference for. Then it is "chain yourself to the drawing table" time! The first half of Into the Dust will come out this year!
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